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IGPA Timeline History | 60 Years Of Serving Idaho

IGPA Timeline History

IGPA’s First Female Executive Board Member
Barley Crop Insurance Improvements
Effective Transition of Executive Director | Stacey Hired
Hired Rich Garber as Lobbyist and Increased Legislative Efforts
Idaho Truck Weights Increased
ID Grain Producers and ID Cattle Association Working on Resolving Open Range Issue without Going to Legislature
Fish & Game Trespass Law
Set Up Endowment Fund at the University of Idaho
IGPA Mentor Program Starts
Expanding malt barley capacity – GNW-2013

Here is a list of IGPA’s accomplishments over the past 25 years. It’s pretty impressive. Do you have something to add to the list? Email staff and let them know – together, let’s build a comprehensive list of IGPA’s accomplishments over the past 60 years!

Email Us Updates or Corrections


Disclaimer: all of these events and dates were recollections of IGPA board members and past presidents. If we missed something or got something wrong, let us know and we’ll get it fixed!

Idaho Grain Producers Association

“Our mission is to serve the grain producers of Idaho by representing their interests at the county, state and federal levels to enhance their profitability and long term viability.”

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821 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702-5832

(208) 345-0706