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2024/25 Resolutions

One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks!


C=Congressional (US)
L=Legislative (ID)
T=Tax (ID, US)


Approved 11/20/2024: Larry Hollifield, Substitute Chair



Congressional Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the relicensing of all power generating dams in the Pacific Northwest,
  • federal disaster assistance programs provided they are not funded by farm bill baseline funding,  
  • land exchange between private, state, and federal entities on a site-specific basis,
  • the fair market exchange of foreign grain,
  • the use of peer-reviewed, sound scientific data when making public health and environmental decisions that could affect crop viability,
  • legal action to enforce existing U.S. laws prohibiting the importation of food products on which chemicals are used that are not registered in the U.S.,
  • beginning young farmer programs,
  • Food Aid (P.L. 480) programs that endorse the exchange of physical U.S.-grown commodities and not currency,
  • maintaining the Nutrition Title as part of the Farm Bill,
  • emergency disaster relief,
  • renewal of the Columbia River Treaty with Canada to maintain flood control, power generation, and transportation,
  • increased capacity for water storage and delivery within the state, including dams, aquifer recharge efforts, and other infrastructure improvements;
  • equitable distribution among agriculture and access for all grain growers to any federal disaster or relief funding;
  • a workable guest worker program and a secure border;
  • dams on the Columbia Snake River System and the benefits they provide, including barging, clean power generation, flood control, irrigation, and recreation.


The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • a further reduction of USDA farm program payment limitations from current Farm Bill levels,
  • any reductions in funding of current Farm Bill programs, unless equitable reductions are made to all federal programs,
  • using means testing to establish or restrict participation in federal farm programs,
  • EPA and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality regulation of fugitive dust emissions derived from normal agriculture practices,
  • any attempts to change the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) exemption from federal worker safety standards for farms with fewer than 10 employees,
  • regulations through treaties that would inhibit farm operations in the United States;
  • tariffs and other artificial barriers to trade;
  • breaching dams on the Columbia Snake River System.


Resolution No C1 – Guest Workers (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports immigration reform legislation that provides a workable solution to the farm labor crisis. A workable solution includes legal work status for the current workforce and their immediate family and access to a legal and stable source of new workers when they are needed in the future.


Resolution No C2 – Farm Bill Programs (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will partner with NAWG, NBGA, and other industry groups to advocate for federal farm programs that provide an adequate safety net for Idaho wheat and barley farmers. 

Supporting Statement

Idaho wheat and barley farmers believe that federal farm programs should provide for a crop insurance program that protects both irrigated and dry land operations, that does not recouple payments to production, provides strong safety net programs like ARC and PLC, and provides robust authority for the Foreign Market Development (FMD) and Market Access Program (MAP) trade programs.


Resolution No C3 – Regulations Impacting Young Workers in Agriculture (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes any regulation that would limit the ability of farmers to legally employ youth to work in agriculture.

            Supporting Statement

We support the opportunities work within agriculture provides youth as they learn the value of hard work and develop a strong work ethic.


Resolution No C4 – Transmission Lines (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will seek solutions to ensure that routing of utility corridors be placed on public land first and then to the areas of least impact to private property owners.


Resolution No C5 – Data Privacy (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will seek electronically-collected metadata privacy protections for farmers that:

  • strip personally identifiable information collected,
  • require companies collecting, storing, and analyzing proprietary data to provide full disclosure of their intended use of the data,
  • compensate farmers whose proprietary data is shared with third parties who benefit from the use of such data,
  • ensure all safeguards are used to ensure that proprietary data is stored at an entity that is not subject to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request,
  • uphold the right of a producer who no longer wishes to participate in aggregated data sharing with a private company and wants to remove their past aggregated data from the company’s data base thereby revoking the company’s ability to sell or use said data in the future.


Resolution No C6 – Farm Service Agency (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the duties and authority of Farm Service Agency County Committees. We encourage frequent, regular COC meetings to allow committee members the opportunity for greater communication with County Executive Directors and Program Technicians, as well as oversight of FSA Program execution.


IGPA supports the timely appointment of Farm Service Agency State Directors and State Committees. We also support fully staffed, well-qualified local county FSA offices for all farmers.


Resolution No C7 – Water Infrastructure and Drought Resiliency (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports Federal investments to modernize and improve Idaho’s water conveyance/storage infrastructure.

Supporting Statement

Water is the lifeblood of Idaho’s economy. It powers agriculture, industry, and our communities. As such, it is of paramount importance that we invest in measures to increase our state’s drought resiliency, including our ability to consistently deliver water to all users in dry years, and our ability to capture and store excess water in wet years.




Legislative Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • improvements to the state’s water infrastructure to ensure consistent, adequate access to water for agriculture, industries, and cities.
  • using burning as a tool in crop production, an effective agriculture burning and smoke management program that brings together all groups that use burning as a management tool,
  • the enforcement of Idaho’s trespass law,
  • the research efforts of the University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and encourages the Idaho legislature to fund and invest in the Research and Extension Service of the college,
  • the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission in their ongoing efforts to fulfill their missions,
  • adequate funding for rural schools, rural teachers, and agriculture and/or vocational education,
  • the legal protections provided by the Idaho Right to Farm Act.


The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work

  • to protect farmers from legal actions brought against them based on smoke, dust, and other environmental trespass issues,
  • with all stakeholders to resolve issues with Idaho’s open range law.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • efforts to unduly restrict farmers from using burning as an agronomic tool,
  • any education funding formulas that disproportionately burden agriculture.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will be

  • actively engaged in legislative action regarding all water issues that affect or could impact water access, availability, and use in the state of Idaho and the region, including adequate funding for ISDA’s invasive species program.


Resolution No L1 – Legal Protection for Farmers (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports legislation that would require reimbursement of legal expenses to agricultural producers who prevail in any action, claim, or counter action alleging that agricultural activities are causing harm.


Resolution No L2 – Use of Idaho Big Game Depredation Fund (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association seeks an adequately funded depredation account, and a landowner-friendly process by which to file a claim for those funds.


Supporting Statement

IGPA supports any policy or proposal that adequately and appropriately funds the depredation account.  We also support changes that provide a more timely, independent assessment of the need for distribution and a more aggressive approach to distribution.


Resolution No L3 – Water Infrastructure and Drought Resiliency (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports State investments to modernize and improve Idaho’s water conveyance infrastructure and to promote aquifer recharge.

Supporting Statement

Water is the lifeblood of Idaho’s economy. It powers agriculture, industry, and our communities. As such, it is of paramount importance that we invest in measures to increase our state’s drought resiliency, including our ability to consistently deliver water to all users in dry years, and our ability to capture and store excess water in wet years.


Resolution No L4 – Recently Purchased Land (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports maintaining recently purchased state and county lands on the county tax rolls.

Supporting Statement

Counties that are positioned within Indian Reservations need to keep a constant tax base when private lands are acquired by the tribe.


Resolution No L5 – Commodity Indemnity Fund (CIF) (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports all efforts to maintain accountability, monitor efficiency, and protect the Commodity Indemnity Fund.  An important component is the ability of the committee to review all claims.  The CIF should also monitor and include the regulation of commodity dealers located outside state boundaries who are the first point of delivery. The requirements of the Seed Indemnity Fund should match the Commodity Indemnity Fund.


Resolution No L6 – Idaho Trespass and Fencing Laws (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association believes cattle should not trespass on privately-owned land and their owners should face penalties if they do. Cattle owners should bear responsibility for fencing. IGPA will continue working with livestock stakeholders and elected officials to find remedies to problems with Idaho’s fencing and trespass laws.

Supporting Statement

The Idaho Open Range Law and its application are antiquated and has allowed for abuse in many cases.  IGPA supports working with livestock stakeholders to bring fairness and balance to the application of trespass and fencing in Idaho.


Resolution No L7 – Idaho Wheat Commission Building (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the Idaho Wheat Commission investing in a new Wheat & Ag Center building.

Resolution No L8 – Drivers Privilege Cards (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports legislation that would allow undocumented workers to obtain a state-recognized drivers privilege card, requiring driving knowledge and safety testing. The drivers privilege card should clearly state that the card is not an official means of identification and that driving privileges are not to be recognized as any form of citizenship.


Resolution No L9 – Foreign Ownership (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the current Idaho legislature’s position on controlling foreign ownership of land, water and mineral rights.



Tax Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the deferment of capital gains taxes when profits are placed in a qualified retirement plan,
  • a two-thirds majority be retained as a requirement to pass a bond levy, relieving the burden of property taxes on Idaho farmers.


The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • changes to the State of Idaho production tax exemption as it is currently administered,
  • changes to homeowner exemption law that adversely shift the tax burden to grain producers.


Resolution No T1 – Highway Fuel Tax (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports distribution of Idaho highway fuel tax receipts to be used solely for highway infrastructure and maintenance.


Resolution No T2Investment Tax Credit (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the reinstatement of the federal investment tax credit while maintaining the current three percent tax credit offered by the state.


Resolution No T3 – Capital Gains Taxes (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports a reduction in capital gains taxes for properties held long-term.


Resolution No T4 – Estate Tax Exemption (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports existing estate tax law and opposes any attempts to reduce the exemption. We support the estate tax exemption being made permanent as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.


Resolution No T6 – State and Federal Beer Tax Increases (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes state and federal tax increases from current levels on beer sales and consumption as a means to boost general revenues.


Resolution No T7 – Idaho Personal Property Tax (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes any shift of taxation to real property from a reduction or repeal of Idaho’s personal property tax.


Resolution No T8 – Fuel Tax Rebate (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes any initiative or legislation that would require farmers to apply for a fuel tax rebate.


Resolution No T9 – Impact Fees (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports local impact fees on new or expanding developments to pay for the services required to support growth.


Resolution No T10 – Real Property Tax (2024)

Given the impact on real property tax, the Idaho Grain Producers Association supports innovative funding options to help address rural public education infrastructure needs.

Supporting statement

An unfair burden is placed on rural farms and landowners in funding the need for new public education infrastructure solely through bonds and levies, which impacts real property taxes.



Transportation Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the movement of permitted, oversized loads in the State of Idaho,
  • maintaining and improving the Snake River and Columbia River transportation system and facilities,
  • eliminating bulk grain exports from cargo preference policy requirements,
  • uniform truck regulation for the United States, Canada, and Mexico,
  • amending Idaho truck weight laws to the maximum federal Formula B, thereby providing uniform maximum gross vehicle weights among western states,
  • the Columbia River jetty project,
  • the role of the Idaho Transportation Department’s (ITD) Trucking Advisory Council and its inclusion of agriculture representation,
  • competitive rail rates and the availability of rail cars for agricultural goods,
  • the function and operation of the Port of Lewiston, Idaho’s only seaport and the most inland port on the west coast, as critical to the viability of Idaho’s grain industry.


The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • federal regulations requiring farmers to have a Commercial Driver’s License for operation of farm equipment and trucks,
  • Idaho DOT regulations seeking to require farm vehicles over 26,001 pounds to register with the state Motor Carrier Services department instead of the local county DMV office.


Resolution No Trans 1Railroad (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports increased competition, improved infrastructure, and better service to Idaho’s grain growers on U.S. railroads. IGPA supports investment in Idaho’s transportation infrastructure, including in short line rail lines.


Resolution No Trans 2Reciprocity Agreements (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports reciprocity agreements of farmer carriers delivering their own products across state lines.


Resolution No Trans 3 – Truck Fees (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports truck fees being equitable on a cost per mile basis.


Resolution No Trans 4 – Road Improvement (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports that any increase in funding for road improvement from multiple sources be split equitably with local, county, and highway districts.


Resolution No Trans 5 – U.S. Department of Transportation Truck Numbers (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes USDOT numbers for trucks engaged in transporting commerce within Idaho.


Resolution No Trans 6 – Intrastate Transportation (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the continuation of an intrastate designation for non-commercial/agricultural vehicles moving agricultural products from the farm to a point-of-sale within the state of Idaho.

Resolution No Trans 7 – Federal Hours-of-Service Exemption (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) limited exemption for agricultural products from the federal Hours-of-Service regulations.


Resolution No Trans 8 – 129,000 lbs. Truck Weights (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of a 129,000 lb. truck weight limit on all Idaho routes.  IGPA supports designating the Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) as the state’s sole permitting agency.  All 129,000 lb. truck permits would be issued by ITD as is presently done on trucks over 60,000 lb.

Supporting Statement

129,000 lbs. trucks distribute weight across more axles and thus have a lighter impact on the roads than normal trucking means.  The ability to transport grain increases the competitiveness and cost savings of Idaho grain farmers.


Resolution No Trans 9 – Rail Shippers Transportation Advisory Committee (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association strongly endorses the role of the Rail Shippers Transportation Advisory Committee (RSTAC) in advising the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB).

Supporting Statement

IGPA will actively support the inclusion of farmers on the RSTAC to ensure that agriculture is represented on freight rail matters before the STB.





Cons = Conservation
Env = Environmental
Crop = Crop Protection

Approved 11/20/2024: Scott Fuhriman, Chair


Conservation Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • grower-developed tillage practices and Best Management Practices which are economically feasible to meet conservation plans,
  • increasing funding sources that encourage the use of tillage practices to improve air, water, and soil quality,
  • Idaho and neighboring states enforcing noxious weed laws and educating the public on noxious and invasive species,
  • new funding for conservation practices,
  • consistent implementation and interpretation of conservation programs and regulations between

Idaho counties and other states,

  • the goals and mission of the Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission,
  • efforts to streamline and consolidate data use and application between government agencies.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will continue

  • to monitor all conservation program rules to protect Idaho producers,
  • to be a leader in providing grower representatives on agriculture committees at the county, state, and federal levels.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association is opposed

  • to conservation dollars funding environmental groups who work against agriculture interests.


Resolution No Cons 1 – Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Conservation Reserve Enhancement

Program (CREP) (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports wise use of the CRP, CREP, and SAFE programs as natural resource tools.  IGPA will work to ensure these programs will be targeted only to environmentally sensitive land.  We support CRP and SAFE rental rates being capped at or below 88% of the average county cash rental rate.  We support county acreage caps.


Resolution No Cons 2 – Conservation Reserve Program Best Management Practices (BMPs) (2022)

In order to protect surrounding farmland and improve wildlife habitat, IGPA supports enforcement of BMPs on CRP lands to control insects and weeds. We also support the early and late grazing of CRP.


Resolution No Cons 3 – Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports CSP as a consistent, equitable, and fully funded stand-alone program. IGPA also supports CSP as a continuous sign up program.


Resolution No Cons 4 – Conservation Reserve Program Funding (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports cuts to the Conservation Reserve Program and State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) program funding in an equitable percentage to other farm programs.


Resolution No Cons 5 – Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports voluntary, incentive-based conservation as delivered through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program, including funding for technical assistance through the Natural Resources Conservation Service.


Resolution No Cons 6 – Conservation Early Adopters (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports voluntary conservation practices and early adopters should be rewarded and remain eligible for incentives and payments.


Resolution No Cons 7 – Climate Smart Ag (2022)

IGPA supports climate smart practices, as defined by agriculture and natural resource industries.


Resolution No Cons 8 – Conservation Easements (2023)

IGPA supports the use of voluntary conservation easements and/or the agricultural protection areas concept to preserve agricultural and open lands.



Environment Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the recovery of salmon using the combination of native and non-native genes and utilization of improved collection and transportation systems,
  • increasing efforts to combat predators in salmon recovery efforts,
  • current U.S. food safety regulations and opposes stricter regulations that could reduce our ability to compete in world markets,
  • substantial reform of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA),
  • alternative crop protection products,
  • the reduction of non-point source pollution,
  • the full authorization and permitting of mines supplying agricultural raw materials,
  • modifying the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to take into consideration the economic impact of recovering endangered species.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association is opposed

  • to increased state or federal rules regulating dust from agricultural production practices.


Resolution No Env 1 – Crop Residue Disposal (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of burning as a Best Management Practice in managing heavy residue for effectively and efficiently eradicating and preventing pests and diseases while maintaining yields, protecting water quality, decreasing chemical use, and decreasing soil erosion on productive farm acres.  IGPA continues to support the Idaho DEQ Crop Residue Burning Advisory Board and its use of reasonable and safe air quality standards for determining acceptable burn days.


Resolution No Env 2 – Dam Removal (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association actively supports the  dams on the Snake and Columbia River systems.


Resolution No Env 3 – Flow Augmentation (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes mandatory flow augmentation as a method to promote fish habitat and survival.


Resolution No Env 4 – Climate Change (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will monitor climate change policy and support policies that acknowledge agriculture’s critical role in carbon management. Any climate policies must not adversely impact the viability of Idaho grain growers. Furthermore, farmers should be rewarded for their role in carbon management and any program that emerges must be a net benefit. Early adopters should be rewarded and remain eligible for incentives and payments.

                                                          Supporting Statement

The evaluation of agriculture’s carbon emissions should take into account the ability of the agricultural enterprise to sequester carbon. Efforts to combat climate change must focus on innovative solutions rather than taxes.


Resolution No Env 5 – Navigable Water (Waters of the United States-WOTUS) (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes removing the term “navigable” from the Clean Water Act

and any attempts by Congress or federal agencies to redefine or otherwise make any changes to this term that would negatively impact U.S. agriculture.


Resolution No Env 6 – EPA Chemical Application Permitting (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) chemical application permit and process that is flexible, practical, and adheres with current state application programs.

Supporting Statement

IGPA supports exploration into the State of Idaho taking primacy over the NPDES permit process for chemical applications. 


Resolution No Env 7 – Endangered Species Designation (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of comprehensive peer reviewed studies and scientifically sound data in determining a designation of any species as endangered or threatened.

Supporting Statement

Any determination must also include an analysis detailing the economic impact of such designation on agricultural production within the affected area.


Resolution No Env 8 – Agriculture as a Non-Point Source (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the ongoing designation of crop production practices as non-point sources of pollution.  Historically, crop production has been regarded that way under the Clean Water Act (CWA).


Resolution No Env 9 – Pesticide Use (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the safe and effective use of pesticides according to their approved label.


Resolution No Env 10 – Fugitive Emissions (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports production practices that minimize the release of dust and carbon into the atmosphere. We oppose environmental rules and regulations seeking to penalize farmers for fugitive emissions from dust deriving from generally accepted and responsible agriculture practices.

Supporting Statement

The IGPA supports the adoption of Idaho DEQ rules exempting growers from fugitive dust regulations if said growers are in compliance with NRCS guidelines.


Resolution No Env 11 – Invasive Species (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports adequate funding for ISDA’s Invasive Species program.  IGPA would prefer a federal program that would stop invasive species spread at its source.  Lacking any federal program, we support Idaho’s current program.    


Resolution No Env 12 – Crop Protection (2023)

We support the safe, labeled use of crop protection chemicals and science-based approaches to labeling and registration, including the environmentally safe and efficient chemical glyphosate.


Resolution No Env 12.5 – Weed Management (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the containment, control or eradication of noxious weeds and invasive species and supports private landowners and local, state and federal agencies working to prevent the spread and control of noxious weeds and invasive species on private, state and federal lands.


Crop Protection Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the use of science-based data in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s pesticide registration and re-registration process,
  • and encourages Congress and the USDA to monitor and ensure that EPA decisions are based on the best available science,
  • the Idaho State Department of Agriculture retaining regulatory authority for pesticide use in Idaho,
  • working with the Idaho Department of Agriculture to conduct the pesticide licensing and education program,
  • emergency use of pesticides as provided under Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA),
  • the administration rule change that removes Section 7(a)(2) consultation requirements under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for new chemical registrations,
  • continued enforcement of organic standards for certification by the regulating authority,
  • the intention and regulations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).


Resolution No Crop 1 – Pesticide Harmonization (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports and encourages continued action on the efforts of stakeholders and other officials to harmonize the rules, regulations, labels, and other provisions governing the use of crop chemicals and inputs across interstate and international borders.


Resolution No Crop 2 – Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the continued authorization and goal of PRIA to create a more predictable evaluation process by the Environmental Protection Agency for affected pesticide decisions and promotes a shorter decision review period for reduced-risk applications.




M = Marketing
GQ = Grain Quality
En = Energy

Approved 11/20/2024: Tim Freeburg, Chair


Marketing Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:

  • increased federal funding to the U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) to continue their market development efforts,
  • efforts to promote the whole-grain health benefits of wheat, barley, and other cereal grains,
  • the development of new agricultural-based industries and technologies that will benefit rural economies,
  • the market and trade development programs administered by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture and requests their continued cooperation and collaboration with the Idaho Wheat Commission and Idaho Barley Commission,
  • continued investment in grain storage and related infrastructure along the Columbia and Snake River System which provides increased economic activity and marketing opportunities for Pacific Northwest grain producers,
  • maintaining or increasing funds administered by the USDA for the Foreign Market Development (FMD) and the Market Access Program (MAP).

The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages:

  • the continuation of food aid using agricultural commodities.


Resolution No M1 – World Trade Organization (WTO) (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports the concepts of the U.S. negotiating objectives in the WTO agricultural trade negotiations. IGPA supports U.S. negotiators pursuing a comprehensive trade reform package that addresses market access, export subsidies, state trading, and equalization of domestic subsidies.


Resolution No M2 – Transgenic Wheat and Barley (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the commercialization of transgenic wheat and barley

through public and private research.

IGPA encourages trade teams to visit research facilities and to be educated on the benefits of transgenic wheat and barley.


Resolution No M3 – Hard White Wheat (HWW) Classification (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports creating separate market classifications for hard white winter wheat and hard white spring wheat.

Supporting Statement

Both Hard White Spring Wheat and Hard White Winter Wheat are currently priced according to the hard red winter wheat market. Quality differences and demand for identity preserved Hard White Spring justifies class distinction. We encourage the USDA to segregate statistics on HWW and soft white wheat (SWW).


Resolution No M4 – General Sales Manager (GSM) Credit Program (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports continued availability of the USDA administered GSM credit program.


Resolution No M5 – Pacific Northwest Wheat Marketing Center Legislative Tours (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association, in collaboration with the Idaho Wheat Commission, supports conducting legislative tours of the Pacific Northwest Wheat Marketing Center.

Supporting Statement

IGPA encourages collaboration with all entities involved with cereal grains for the purpose of industry education and promotion toward key government officials.


Resolution No M6 – Disruption of Federal Grain Inspection Service Weighing & Inspection Services (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association requests that the USDA take all actions necessary to fulfill its statutory obligation to provide official inspection and weighing services at grain export elevator facilities, including prompt replacement of official personnel from other designated or delegated official agencies, or with FGIS official personnel, if a designated or delegated official agency does not provide such service.

Supporting Statement

American farmers, grain handlers, exporters, and foreign customers depend upon accurate, timely, and cost-effective delivery of mandated impartial third-party official inspection services administered by FGIS and its designated and delegated agencies.


Resolution No M7 – USMCA (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association strongly supports the USMCA, which is extremely important to the agricultural industry, both in Idaho and the United States.


Resolution No M8 – Free Trade Agreements (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports all free and fair trade agreements, and swift negotiation of agreements to increase agricultural trade.   


Resolution No M9 – GMO Food Labeling (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the monitoring of GMO food labeling standards.

Support Statement

IGPA supports the implementation of a compromise law mandating the labeling of foods containing genetically modified (GM) ingredients so long as the law preempts all state action on this issue, consumers can be educated about the safety and benefits of GMOs in the process, companies can use a variety of methods to label their products, small business owners are protected from overly burdensome requirements, and includes a definition of biotechnology that does not include the broad range of new breeding techniques.    


Resolution No M10 – Plant Breeding Education (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages consumer education on innovative and safe plant breeding practices. 


Resolution No M11 – Lifting Trade Embargoes (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages lifting all trade embargoes, tariffs, or sanctions which inhibit the free export of U.S. agriculture products.



Grain Quality Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • USDA Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) rules that require grain samples to be maintained for a minimum of 10 days,
  • the USDA-FGIS licensing of facilities that can provide official samples for the grain industry,
  • regulations that require end-use testing for all future new grain releases,
  • the efforts of the Idaho Wheat Commission and Idaho Barley Commission to encourage grain storage  that preserves the quality and  marketability of Idaho wheat and barley through the development of alternatives to open outside storage,
  • the Idaho Wheat and Barley Commissions continuing research, identification, and education of wheat and barley varieties that best suit the needs of end users and producers,
  • the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission continuing the crop quality survey,
  • the efforts of the Idaho Wheat Commission in educating producers, buyers, and end users with regard to falling numbers issues and the options available to them,
  • the mission of the Idaho Food Quality Assurance Lab,
  • the development of other cereal grain quality standards,
  • the responsible use of covered outside storage for Idaho grain in a manner that preserves the export and milling quality of the grain.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • the use of oils as dust suppressants,
  • the use of malathion or other non-licensed or off-label chemicals in farm-stored grain.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will monitor

  • USDA-FGIS rule changes and notify growers of proposed changes,
  • dockage charges by grain buyers.


Resolution No GQ1 – Functionality Test (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports timely end-use functionality tests for wheat and barley, including variety development and commercial delivery.


Resolution No GQ2 – Wheat Quality Tests (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports standardized wheat quality tests that are consistent, timely, and reliable.


Resolution No GQ3 – Falling Numbers (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports further research into the causes of low falling numbers.

Supporting Statement

Falling numbers affect the marketability of grain.  We need further research into potential environmental and/or genetic causes.


Resolution No GQ4 – Pacific Northwest Wheat Quality Council (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the collaboration with, and goals of, the Pacific Northwest Wheat Quality Council.

Supporting Statement

The Pacific Northwest Wheat Quality Council is a not-for-profit organization comprised of wheat breeders, cereal chemists, producers, marketers, inspectors, processors, and users of wheat. The Council aims to solicit and evaluate advanced-generation wheat breeding lines, thereby providing direct feedback to the merits of individual breeding lines and more general information as to the technical requirements of wheat end-users.


Resolution No GQ5 – Standardized Grain Sampling Method (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports a standardized mechanical probing method for sampling grain in order to reduce human error.



Energy Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • economically viable renewable energy sources,
  • and promotes utilization of Idaho’s agricultural biomass for industrial uses.

The Idaho Grain Producers Association will monitor

  • the national effort calling for 25% renewable fuels by the year 2025 (25×25),
  • development efforts for cellulosic ethanol and biofuel.


Resolution No En1 – Utilization of Biomass (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports federal and state incentives for the production and the utilization of Idaho’s agricultural biomass in industrial products.

Supporting Statement

Such utilization would reduce dependence on foreign oil imports, revitalize rural economies, and provide new markets and revenue streams for grain producers.


Resolution No En2 – Renewable Energy (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports an economically viable renewable energy portfolio for utilities within Idaho that includes hydropower, wind, solar, and emerging technologies.


Resolution No En3 – Private Renewable Energy Development (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes any statewide moratorium on additional renewable energy generation.

Supporting Statement

The IGPA supports private property rights and believes zoning decisions affecting renewable energy sources remain at the local level.


Resolution No En4 – Nuclear Power (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of safe, responsible nuclear power.


Resolution No En5 – Power Rates (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes any power rate increases during the growing season and supports growers working with utility providers to negotiate maintaining rates and service. Farmers need a stable rate to budget appropriately for that year.


Resolution No En6 – Public Utility Commission Power Rate Changes (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association shall take an active role in challenging future power rate increases for irrigators.


Resolution No En7 – Idaho Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the mission of the Idaho Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in regulating the exploration, drilling, and production of oil and gas resources on private, state, and federal land.

Supporting Statement

Administered by the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL), the Commission oversees the efficient recovery of oil and gas, the protection of correlative rights, and the protection of fresh water supplies per Idaho law.





Rmgmt=Risk Management

Approved 11/20/2024: Noel Cole, Co-Chair


Research Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • research to improve and upgrade nutrient management, soil amendment recommendations, and end use quality,
  • research on weeds, pests, and diseases that threaten the cereal crops system,
  • research on new food and nonfood uses for cereal grains and straw,
  • the continued multi-state research effort to attract new funds and pool existing funds for small grains research projects,
  • identifying and recommending strategic priorities for research faculty, extension faculty, and staff positions at the University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS),
  • continued funding of cereal rust research to address the threat posed to cereal production in the U.S.,
  • cropping systems approaches to Best Management Practices (BMP),
  • the involvement in and efforts of the National Wheat Improvement Committee and the National Barley Improvement Committee,
  • the Idaho Wheat Commission in the continued development and implementation of a strategic wheat research and education initiative,
  • the Idaho Barley Commission in the continued development and implementation of a strategic barley research and education initiative,
  • maintaining TCK smut research and variety testing,
  • a sustainable increase in investment of state and federal funding of small grains research, education, extension, and infrastructure and full, stable funding for the University of Idaho Agriculture Research and Extension System,
  • the Idaho Wheat and Barley Commissions collaborating with their counterparts in wheat and barley producing states to maximize the research and education programs among public and private institutions, as well as private companies,
  • enhanced funding for federal barley research at the USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS) Small Grains Research Program in Aberdeen, Idaho,
  • the University of Idaho seeking opportunities with public/private partnerships providing long term benefits to producers,
  • the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission continue funding a varietal program with priority towards developing widely adaptable, high yielding quality wheat and barley varieties and the release of public varieties developed with public dollars that ensures access to said varieties to all Idaho producers,
  • the Center for Agriculture Food and the Environment (CAFE) initiative moving forward for Idaho agriculture and the University of Idaho,
  • supports research and outreach that addresses economic and agronomic questions regarding long term residue management in small grain system


Resolution No R1 – Managing Invasive and Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Cereal Grains (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports research and education programs that develop control practices for invasive and herbicide-resistant weeds. IGPA supports federal funding to develop control programs for invasive and herbicide-resistant weeds.


Resolution No R2 – Development of Varieties and Marketing of Hard White Wheat (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the development of a Hard White Wheat (HWW) Initiative to develop new varieties that meet the needs of Pacific Northwest producers and end users along with marketing strategies for hard white wheat.


Resolution No R3 – Plant Breeding Innovations (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the goals and policy statement of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) joint Wheat Breeding Innovations Committee regarding the research and market development of transgenic wheat.

Supporting Statement

IGPA believes it is important to educate our legislators and consumers about the value of new plant breeding innovations to insure a plentiful and safe food supply. IGPA agrees with the NAWG and USW “Wheat Industry Biotechnology Principles for Commercialization” joint position paper.


Resolution No R4 – Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the protection of intellectual property in wheat and barley research and development. This includes education about the importance of complying with Plant Variety Protection (PVP)/Federal Seed Trade law’s Title V, seed contract and stewardship provisions as well as the enforcement of those provisions.


Resolution No R5 – Emerging Technologies (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages utilization of new and emerging technologies and plant breeding innovations through interdisciplinary, integrated and collaborative programs aimed at solving some of Idaho’s most difficult issues.


Resolution No R6 – Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) Management (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports funding and continued research to minimize or prevent the impact of Fusarium head blight in wheat and barley.

Supporting Statement

The IGPA recognizes that Fusarium head blight is becoming a significant threat to wheat and barley production in Idaho.  This research will help maintain high quality, toxin free cereal production.


Resolution No R7 – Wheat Fertility (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports updating fertilizer guides with consideration for the different wheat production management systems:  tillage, no-till, dryland, irrigation, crop rotations considering the roles of new varieties, crop choices, soil health, sustainability and implementation of new technology as nutrient placement and no-till fertilizer placement. 

Supporting Statement

Advancements in research and development of varieties, production management technology, data capture, decision management software, precision agriculture and their rapid adoption by producers demands an update of wheat production management guides, particularly in the area of fertility, which are decades old. 



Risk Management Policy Statement

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports

  • the continuation and improvements of federal risk management programs including crop insurance,
  • funding for producers’ risk management education,
  • risk management programs that are available to all growers in Idaho, and the Pacific Northwest, on an equitable basis,
  • the Malting Barley Revenue Endorsement and specialty barley crop insurance programs administered by the USDA Risk Management Agency,
  • the Whole Farm Revenue Policy administered by the USDA Risk Management Agency,
  • the use of the 508(h) private product submission process to develop new risk management

The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes

  • further cuts to the federal crop insurance program,
  • legislative or rulemaking efforts to restrict eligibility for federal crop insurance participation.


Resolution No Rmgmt 1 – Integration of Market Discounts with Wheat Crop Insurance (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports working with USDA’s Risk Management Agency and USDA’s Farm Service Agency to annually review the quality triggers under loss adjustment procedures to ensure these triggers and discount tables more closely reflect marketplace discounts for damaged grain. 

Supporting Statement

Quality Factors on wheat crop insurance policies for low falling numbers do not accurately reflect market discounts. Currently, there is not a discount factor for protein for any class of wheat. IGPA supports USDA’s RMA providing a quality factor that aligns with the market discount.

Resolution No Rmgmt 2 – Effective Insurance Coverage Dates for Fall Planted Wheat (2022)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports USDA’s Risk Management Agency attaching coverage on fall wheat at time of planting and allowing for a replant payment to be made prior to waiting for the initial fall final planting date.


Resolution No Rmgmt 3 – Common Crop Reporting Dates and System (2023)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the implementation of a streamlined system that allows the producer to report planting dates and yield data one time only, then have that information available to both USDA Risk Management Agency and USDA Farm Service Agency.


Resolution No Rmgmt 4 – Allocation of Replant Payments (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports USDA’s Risk Management Agency providing an insurance option that allows the lessee to receive all the replant payments if they are incurring all the replant costs.


Resolution No Rmgnt 5 – Malting Barley Endorsement Standards (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports changing the Malting Barley Endorsement Standards to allow quality deficiencies to be determined and production to be adjusted up until the delivery of the crop of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the insured malting barley is normally harvested.


Resolution No Rmgmt 6 – Wheat Sales Closing Date(s) (2024)

The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports changing the singular Wheat Sales Closing Date to a dual sales closing.

Supporting Statement

Currently the sales closing date for all wheat is September 30.  A dual sales closing would be September 30 and March 15.