2007 to Current YearIdaho Grain Producers Association – 2020 Accomplishments
2020 has been an unforgettable year!
Many events ended up being cancelled this year – but Idaho agriculture showed its strength and resilience and work continued on Idaho’s wheat and barley farms. In fact, it looks like Idaho’s farmers were all busier than ever this year – Idaho’s barley growers ranked number one nationally in production, and Idaho wheat growers exceeded 100 million bushels of production this past year.
And the Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) has been hard at work this year, too. We worked closely with our national affiliates, the National Association of Wheat Growers and National Barley Growers Association on the Market Facilitation Program and two rounds of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).
We had a huge win when it was announced that all classes of wheat and barley were eligible for the second round of CFAP – that happened because of a coordinated, nation-wide effort to make wheat and barley growers’ voices heard with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
As we prepare for 2021, know that your IGPA staff and grower leaders will continue to work hard for you. Whatever lies ahead, we know we will get through it together and continue to support one another in these crazy times. We are preparing for the 2021 legislative session and will have a strong presence at the Statehouse, working on issues that impact you and your farm.
Agriculture in Idaho is strong – we are proud of our past and we are excited for our future. And we hope you’ll join us as a member of the Idaho Grain Producers Association.
2019 Accomplishments
Idaho Grain Producers Association – 2019 Accomplishments
Maintained running contact with the Governor’s office, the State Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Fish and Game and other agencies. Held three full board meetings, four executive board meetings, Tri-State Grain Growers Convention and an annual membership meeting, and organized two trips to Washington, D.C. Hosted a fourth annual lunch with legislators and IGPA’s full board. IGPA holds two board seats on the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) board and a leadership position with the National Barley Growers Association (NBGA).
Along with the Idaho Wheat Commission, hosted legislators and grain industry leaders in Portland, OR on an Export Marketing Tour.
Hosted the NBGA summer meeting in Jackson, WY – IGPA Past President Dwight Little completed his second year as NBGA President.
Sent six Idaho grain growers to Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi to learn about cotton production as part of the Multi-Commodity Education Program, sponsored by the National Cotton Council and John Deere.
Completed successful county and regional meetings throughout the year that included growers, allied industry, University extension staff, and legislators.
In addition to a daily presence at the legislature, we kept the grain industry and our issues front and center at Food Producers of Idaho, where IGPA’s Stacey Satterlee was elected to serve as President for the next two years, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, and the Boise Metro Chamber Food and Agriculture Industry Advisory Board.
During the session, our legislative involvement is very broad as we try to keep the pulse on the overall flow of bill drafting, committee work and floor debate. As would be expected, our more in-depth scrutiny and involvement centers around the work in the Agricultural, Resources & Environment, Transportation and Appropriations committees. We have learned to never think it might be a quiet session or even a quiet week because inevitably one of our policy issues will directly or indirectly be impacted by a rule or bill.
Enhanced Communication: Under the direction of Communications Manager Kellie Kluksdal, IGPA continued our increased communication this year through texts, the bi-weekly Harvester, our bi-monthly newsletters, and quarterly Idaho Grain magazines, in addition to a strong social media presence.
Mentorship Program: IGPA hosted six young farmers in Washington, DC for meetings of the National Association of Wheat Growers and NBGA – met with our congressional delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue. We also hosted eight barley grower leaders in Jackson, WY for NBGA’s summer meeting.
MFP Payments: Wheat was on China’s retaliatory tariff list as part of the escalating trade war between China and the U.S. As a result, wheat growers were included in the first tranche of Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments at 14 cents/bushel. Idaho barley growers, through NBGA, went to USDA and argued that barley should be included in the program because the price of barley is tied to the price of wheat – when the second round of payments was announced, barley was included. And NAWG went to USDA and argued the impact to wheat was far more significant than had been calculated – in the second round of payments, wheat received 42 cents/bushel.
Columbia Snake River System: In April, Rep. Simpson suggested he would support looking at dam breaching as an option to bring salmon back to Idaho. Then, Governor Little established a Salmon Workgroup – IGPA serves on the workgroup. We are fighting for the Port of Lewiston and the dams on the Columbia/Snake River System, while advocating for solutions to increase salmon numbers in Idaho.
Research: Supported funding for University of Idaho College of Life Sciences wheat and barley research through the state appropriation process and for specific research proposals that have been put forward.
2018 Accomplishments
Idaho Grain Producers Association – 2018 Accomplishments
Maintained running contact with the Governor’s office, the State Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Fish and Game and other agencies. Held three full board meetings, four executive board meetings, Tri-State Grain Growers Convention and an annual membership meeting, and organized two trips to Washington, D.C. Hosted a third annual lunch with legislators, this time with members of the full board and wheat-grower participants in Leadership Idaho Agriculture.
Hosted the National Barley Growers Association’s summer meeting in Idaho Falls, ID – IGPA President Dwight Little completed his first year as NBGA President.
Hosted a group of cotton farmers from the southern U.S. participating in the Multi-Commodity Education Program, sponsored by the National Cotton Council and John Deere.
Completed successful county and regional meetings throughout the year that included growers, allied industry, University extension staff, and legislators.
In addition to a daily presence at the legislature, we kept the grain industry and our issues front and center at Food Producers of Idaho, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry and the Boise Metro Chamber Food and Agriculture Industry Advisory Board.
The Idaho Wheat & Barley PAC supported 28 candidates in the Primary Election, and 22 in the General. The PAC also strongly supported Brad Little for Governor, who won his race and will be Idaho’s next Governor.
Enhanced Communication: Under the direction of Communications Manager Kellie Kluksdal, IGPA increased our communication this year through texts and a new bi-weekly piece called the Harvester, in addition to our bi-monthly newsletters and quarterly Idaho Grain magazines and a strong social media presence.
Intern: IGPA had our first legislative intern, Giuliana Torlai, a second-year Concordia law student. Giuliana assisted with numerous committee assignments, writing weekly legislative updates and magazine articles and was a very helpful and active part of our legislative team.
Mentorship Program: Hosted six young farmers in Washington, DC for meetings of the National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Barley Growers Association – met with our congressional delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hosted one mentorship program participant at Commodity Classic in Anaheim, CA, and seven barley farmers in Idaho Falls, ID for NBGA’s summer meeting.
Trespass: IGPA was part of a coalition that worked to pass legislation that streamlined definitions and strengthen penalties for trespass on private property in Idaho.
Crop Residue Burning: We worked with the Department of Environmental Quality pass legislation to raise Idaho’s ozone standard that will allow for more, high-quality burn days while still protecting public health. IGPA has two grain farmers serving on the Crop Residue Burning Advisory Committee, Adam Young and Eric Olson.
Transportation: Working with legislature and ITD on 129,000 lb truck route approvals. Offered more equitable solution to commercial truck registration fees. Fighting for the Port of Lewiston and the dams on the Columbia/Snake River System.
2018 Farm Bill: Pushed Congress to pass a Farm Bill in 2018. Voiced our support for an adequate safety net that includes ARC and PLC and crop insurance; voluntary incentive-based conservation programs; trade promotion programs; and research.
Research: Supported funding for University of Idaho College of Life Sciences wheat and barley research through the state appropriation process and for specific research proposals that have been put forward. Also, IGPA’s board voted to support the Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (CAFE).
2017 Accomplishments
2017 Accomplishments
Maintained running contact with the Governor’s office, the State Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Fish and Game and other agencies. Held two full board meetings, four executive board meetings, and organized two trips to Washington, D.C. Hosted a second annual lunch with legislators, this time with members of the full board. Worked with growers in the Magic Valley to host the National Association of Wheat Growers President and CEO. With the Idaho Wheat Commission, hosted Idaho legislators on a tour of the Port of Portland and the Wheat Marketing Center.
Completed eight successful regional meetings that included growers, allied industry, University extension staff, and legislators.
In addition to a daily presence at the legislature, we kept the grain industry and our issues front and center at Food Producers of Idaho, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry and the Boise Metro Chamber Food and Agriculture Industry Advisory Board.
Mentorship Program: Hosted five young farmers in Washington, DC for meetings of the National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Barley Growers Association – met with our congressional delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hosted one young farmer at Commodity Classic in San Antonio, TX, and hosted another young farmer in Minneapolis, MN, for NBGA’s summer meeting.
Crop Residue Burning: We worked with the Department of Environmental Quality to gain legislative approval of a rule change that would keep the allowable level of ozone where it had been before the EPA tightened the standard when they made burn decisions in 2017. We will continue to work with DEQ to pass legislation raise the ozone standard and allow for more, high-quality burn days while still protecting public health.
Depredation: IGPA supported a bill to simplify compensation claim procedures and raise $2 million through license fee increases of $5 for Idaho residents and $10 for nonresidents. Of this $2 million, $1 million will be divided equally between the Expendable Depredation and the Depredation Prevention accounts. The remainder of revenues up to $1 million will go to the fishing and hunting access dedicated account.
Crop Insurance: Worked with Risk Management Agency (RMA) to change fall planting date in several eastern Idaho counties – requested RMA review final plant date in additional counties.
Falling Numbers: Working with the Idaho Wheat Commission to distribute information about low falling numbers to growers. Continuing to work with RMA to develop a more adequate safety net for quality issues with wheat, specifically falling numbers.
Transportation: Supported legislation that made major commitments to long-term projects as well as the damage to transportation infrastructure caused by the harsh winter. Working with legislature and ITD on 129,000 lb truck route approvals. Offered more equitable solution to commercial truck registration fees at legislative hearing. Fighting for the Port of Lewiston and the dams on the Columbia/Snake River System.
IWC Rule Change: Worked with the Idaho Wheat Commission to gain support for a rule change that would allow them to collect grower names and addresses needed to fulfill their statutory duties.
2018 Farm Bill: Participated in listening sessions and provided comments and testimony on 2018 Farm Bill priorities.
Research: Supported funding for University of Idaho College of Life Sciences wheat and barley research through the state appropriation process and for specific research proposals that have been put forward.
Idaho Grain in Action for 2017
NAWG issue brief on voluntary conservation
NAWG issue brief on Ag Appropriations priorities
NAWG issue brief on regulatory reform
NAWG issue brief on economic conditions and the Farm Bill
2017 NBGA policy paper
Testimony of IGPA member Erik Olson on DEQ’s Crop Residue Burning bill, S1009, given before the Senate on January 25
2016 Accomplishments
2016 Accomplishments
Maintained running contact with the Governor’s office, the State Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Fish and Game and other agencies. Held two full board meetings, four executive board meetings, and organized a trip to Washington, D.C. Hosted an inaugural lunch with legislators and members of the e-board. Worked with the Idaho Barley Commission to organize and host a group of cotton farmers from the southern U.S. on a tour of Idaho agriculture.
Completed seven successful regional meetings that included growers, allied industry, University extension staff, and legislators.
In addition to a daily presence at the legislature, we kept the grain industry and our issues front and center at Food Producers of Idaho, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry and the Idaho Council on Industry and the Environment.
Mentorship Program: Hosted two young farmers in Washington, DC for meetings of the National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Barley Growers Association – met with our congressional delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hosted one young farmer in Golden, CO, for NBGA’s summer meeting.
Crop Residue Burning: Participated in negotiated rulemaking with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality on their crop residue burning program. The outcome, which now must be approved and passed by the 2017 legislature, will raise the ozone standard and allow for more, high-quality burn days while still protecting public health.
Idaho Fish and Game: Continuing to work to strengthen trespass penalties and make the depredation program work better for growers. Worked to facilitate a better relationship between IGPA members and Idaho Fish and Game staff.
Crop Insurance: Requested that the Risk Management Agency (RMA) review and change where appropriate the fall planting date in 10 central and eastern Idaho counties.
Falling Numbers: Participated in grower meetings in Greencreek and Lewiston in response to low falling numbers in the region. Worked with the Idaho Wheat Commission to distribute information about low falling numbers to growers. Continuing to work with RMA to develop a more adequate safety net for quality issues with wheat, specifically falling numbers.
Transportation: Passed legislation in the 2016 Idaho Legislative Session that allowed 129,000 lb trucks on Idaho’s interstates. Participated in a negotiated rulemaking process with ITD to enhance truck safety for all truck weight classes. Fighting for the Port of Lewiston and the dams on the Columbia/Snake River System. Hosted Surface Transportation Board Chairman Daniel Elliott here in Idaho.
IWC Negotiated Rulemaking: Participated in negotiated rulemaking around proposed changes to the Idaho Wheat Commission rule.
Ag Biotech: Filed comments that asked USDA-APHIS to exclude new gene-editing technologies from the definition of biotechnology.
2018 Farm Bill: Surveyed our members and preparing for hearings on the next Farm Bill.
Research: Supported funding for University of Idaho College of Life Sciences wheat and barley research through the state appropriation process and for specific research proposals that have been put forward.
Idaho Grain in Action
10 Steps to Effective Leadership and Board Tips 12.8 View PDF
Notes IGPA Strategic Planning 12.8 View PDF
IGPA supports dams testimony 11.30 View PDF
IGPA Supports PNW Research 11.15 View PDF
IGPA comments ITD U.S.-ID Hwy 12 10.12
IGPA comments DEQ Crop Residue Burning 10.11 View PDF
RMA letter to request falling number APH exclusion 9.22 View PDF
IGPA Final Planting Date Change Request 9.16 View PDF
IGPA IWC call for FN information from grain elevators 8.29 View PDF
IGPA comments DEQ Crop Residue Burning 5.25 View PDF
IGPA IWC support wireworm research project 5.25 View PDF
IGPA comments on ITD “over-legal” rules 5.23 IGPA comments ITD rules 5.23
IGPA APIHS biotechnology comments 4.20 View PDF
IGPA and IWC support University of Idaho Soil Health Program 3.28 View PDF
Barley insurance letter to RMA Kansas City 3.14 View PDF
2015 Accomplishments
2015 Highlights Include:
- Improving Crop Insurance. The IGPA led an effort to request that the USDA Risk Management Agency make significant changes to federal crop insurance that reflect damage from quality issues. The IGPA will continue its work to improve crop insurance to better reflect the marketplace.
- Stopping Port Disruptions. Through the IGPA’s two national affiliates, NAWG and NBGA, new protections were added to the Act that require FGIS to provide inspection services in situations where disruptions occur. The IGPA also worked with Senator Jim Risch to introduce a separate but related bill that seeks alter the National Labor Relations Act, defining a labor slowdown by maritime workers as an unfair labor practice.
- Repealing EPA Pesticide Permit. The IGPA requested Senator Mike Crapo to lead an effort in the U.S. Senate to repeal and EPA rule that farmers or their contracted applicators obtain a duplicative federal permit to spray chemicals in areas that could impact water quality.
- Eliminating Waters of the U.S. Rule. The IGPA asked Rep. Mike Simpson and Sen. Mike Crapo to intervene with legislation to rollback the rule.
- Adding Competition to Our Railroads. IGPA worked to introduce and pass Senate Bill 808, which makes several changes to rail rates and other rail policy area that the IGPA and other industries support
- Increasing Trucking Efficiencies. The IGPA requested Congressman Simpson reintroduce legislation allowing for increased truck weight limits of up to 129,000lbs on southern Idaho’s interstate system.
- Boosting Dollars for Grain Research & Extension. IGPA led a coalition of Idaho commodity groups in lobbying key state legislators to support the new money. With adjournment of the 2015 Idaho State Legislation session came a $1.5 million increase to the Research and Extension budget of the College of Agriculture within the University of Idaho.
- Trade Promotion Authority. IGPA worked to ensure that Idaho’s congressional delegation supported TPA. Maintaining these critical business links and looking for ways to strengthen them is a major priority for the IGPA.
- Resolving Open Range Disputes. After a year of working on a solution to problems between landowners and ranchers, the IGPA agreed to a Memorandum of Agreement with the Idaho Cattle Association that provides a formal joint process to addressing open range issues at the local level.
2014 Accomplishments
- Defeated efforts to increase environmental regulation impacting farmers
- Passed a new Farm Bill that maintains a safety net for Idaho wheat and barley producers
- Testified in the State Legislature to promote the importance to farmers of safe, accessible Idaho highways and bridges
- Lead an effort that resulted in increased state funding for Idaho’s agriculture research and extension system
- Passed legislation reducing the burden on landowners involving trespass regulations
- Joined a statewide industry coalition to develop strategies to adequately and fairly fund critical highway infrastructure needs so that Idaho grain shipments are competitive
- Established new farmer leaders in local areas while welcoming Jefferson County as an IGPA affiliate
- Used grower dollars from our “Idaho Wheat & Barley Political Action Committee” to elect state legislators and government officials who support Idaho grain farmers
- Collaborated with our industry partners to pursue strategies to assist growers affected by disastrous moisture during the 2014 harvest
- Negotiated new rules that exempt farmers from DEQ regulation due to fugitive dust emissions
- Developed the leadership skills of two new growers through the IGPA’s “Mentorship Program”
2013 Accomplishments
- Defended against regulatory efforts to increase water, air, and other environmental regulations;
- Lead national efforts to pass a new Farm Bill to enhance crop insurance products, coverage and affordability;
- Co-hosted with the Wheat Commission key Idaho legislators and the Lt. Governor on a tour of the Columbia river system and the importance of grain exports to Idaho farmers;
- Lead an effort to increase state funding to Idaho’s agriculture research and extension system;
- Supported legislation to allow the use of 129,000lb trucks on appropriate Idaho state routes;
- Established new farmer leaders in many local areas while expanding our membership base and industry connections;
- Invested in the “Idaho Wheat & Barley PAC” to assist in electing state officials who support Idaho grain farmers;
- Created an endowed academic scholarship at BYU-Idaho for students majoring in a production ag field;
- Increased our representation and coverage of the Idaho State Legislature with the addition of consulting firm Kestrel West
2012 Accomplishments
- advocating in Congress for a new Farm Bill that provides an improved and sound safety net for growers;
- intervening in federal regulatory efforts seeking to increase water, air, and other environmental regulations on producers;
- placing Idaho farmers within key state and federal advisory groups to tackle issues ranging from fish and wildlife, field burning, indemnity fund management, agriculture research, transportation, etc.
- continuing to lead efforts to sustain and increase state investment to Idaho’s agriculture research and extension system, people, and programs;
- reinvigorating farmer leadership in several local areas, and strengthening our voice with the addition of Blaine County as an IGPA affiliate;
- investing and growing the Idaho Wheat & Barley PAC that serves to elect state candidates and officials who support Idaho grain farmers;
- providing leadership and input on the national level through membership and involvement with the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and the National Barley Growers Association (NBGA).
2011 Accomplishments
- intervened in federal regulatory efforts that sought to increase water, air, and other environmental regulations on producers;
- worked with federal agencies to improve and make more equitable federal crop insurance wheat quality discount methods;
- lead an effort to stop state budget cuts to our state’s agriculture research and extension system, people, and programs;
- established new grain leaders in many local areas while expanding our membership base and industry connections; (2 Idaho growers leading the national associations for wheat and barley producers)
- worked to implement a new program allowing for small-scale burns of crop residue ;
- halted flawed climate change legislation seeking to impose greenhouse gas regulations on producers;
- advanced legislation to increase competition in the railroad industry to provide growers a more fair price to get grain to market ;
- halted activist attempts to designate as endangered the Giant Palouse Earthworm;
2010 Accomplishments
- intervened in federal regulatory efforts that sought to increase water, air, and other environmental regulations on producers;
- worked with federal agencies to improve and make more equitable federal crop insurance wheat quality discount methods;
- established new grain leaders in many local areas while expanding our membership base and industry connections;
- created a Political Action Committee to support state elected officials who support Idaho’s grain farmers;
- worked to create a new program to ease the process necessary for growers to make small-scale burns of crop residue ;
- halted flawed climate change legislation seeking to impose greenhouse gas regulations on producers;
- advanced legislation to increase competition in the railroad industry to provide growers a more fair price to get grain to market ;
2009 Accomplishments
- defeated bills seeking to increase the federal and state tax on beer, thus disrupting barley pricing and production;
- called for wheat quality discounts to be fair, consistent, and included in federal crop insurance indemnity factors;
- worked with Idaho’s congressional delegation and administrative officials to implement critical Farm Bill programs;
- advocated for fair treatment of short-haul trucking industries in negotiations regarding increased state vehicle licensing fees;
- monitored the new Idaho field burning program and addressed grower concerns;
- challenged federal climate change legislation that could be harmful to Idaho grain producers.
2008 Accomplishments
- Unparalleled leadership and representation to your national wheat and barley organizations, NAWG and the NBGA;
- The return of field burning to farmers who were banned from the practice since January 2007;
- A new five-year federal Farm Bill maintaining and improving farm payments, streamlining and expanding conservation programs, and including renewable energy incentives to farmers;
- Federal crop disaster assistance for producers facing devastating crop losses due to drought in 2005, 2006, or 2007;
- A new Farm Bill that significantly increases commodity protections for Idaho’s grain producers, while boosting renewable energy programs for biomass production;
- An agreement allowing the resumption of field burning without threat of onerous litigation from environmental activists;
- Federal and state funding for barley and wheat research priorities that respond to the challenges of Idaho’s grain industry;
- Increased national attention to the anti-competitive practices of freight railroads through advancement of federal legislation;
- Additional funding to continue the Snake River and Columbia River Channel deepening projects providing the ability to transport more grain to export markets.
2007 Accomplishments
- Federal crop disaster assistance for producers facing devastating crop losses due to drought in 2005, 2006, or 2007;
- A new Farm Bill that significantly increases commodity protections for Idaho’s grain producers, while boosting renewable energy programs for biomass production;
- More streamlined, workable, and effective conservation incentive programs;
- An agreement allowing the resumption of field burning without threat of onerous litigation from environmental activists;
- Federal and state funding for barley and wheat research priorities that respond to the challenges of Idaho’s grain industry;
- Increased national attention to the anti-competitive practices of freight railroads through advancement of federal legislation;
- Additional funding to continue the Snake River and Columbia River Channel dee