10 events found.
Ashton Field Day
10:00 AM Ashton 3850 E 1350 N, Lunch provided Jon Hogge jhogge@uidaho.edu or Juliet.Marshall@uidaho.edu
Idaho Falls Field Day
4:00 PM Idaho Falls Marc Thiel's 2400 S 45th W, Idaho Falls ID Derek Reed; (208) 390-7191 and derekreed33@gmail.com, Mark Mulberry (mmulberry56@gmail.com) or Juliet.Marshall@uidaho.edu Grain Growers dinner @ Sealander Park
Soda Springs Field Day
3:00 PM Soda Springs Spring trials: North on 34, West on Meadowville Rd, South in field on 2550 Road Winter trials: 1 mile west of Govt Dam Rd on Ten Mile Pass (2500) Rd Dinner provided Justin Hatch jhatch@uidaho.edu or Kyle Wangemann (kylekingkong@gmail.com) 801-361-7139
IGPA Fall Board Meeting
IGPA Full Board and Committee Meetings Holiday Inn Express Boise, ID cprescott@idhaograin.org
Wheat Commission Meeting
IWC Fall Mtg. Boise, ID
NAWG/USW Fall Conferences
NAWG/USW Fall Conferences Meetings: NAWG Board, USW Board, Joint Committees November 3-7, 2019 Hilton Santa Fe Santa Fe, New Mexico
Tri-State Grain Growers Convention
Tri-State Grain Growers Convention, Spokane 11/13 – 11/16 http://www.wawg.org/convention/
Direct Seed Workshop 2020 in Pocatello
Direct Seed Workshop 2020 in Pocatello – “Preserving the No-Till Option” March 10 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm Idaho State University, 1065 Cesar Chavez Avenue Pocatello, ID 83209 United States + Google Map -Herbicide Resistance Initiative presentation and listening session with Doug Finkelnburg and Avery Lavoie -Panel on glyphosate with Don Morishita (Professor Emeritus […]
Idaho Rural Water Assoc. Spring Conference
Idaho Rural Water Assoc. Spring Conference When Wed, March 11, 8:30am – Fri, March 13, 9:30am Where The Riverside Hotel, 2900 W Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83714, USA (map) Description https://www.idahoruralwater.com/Training/Conferences/SpringConference.aspx
National Ag Day
March 24, 2020 is National Ag Day, a time when producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by American agriculture. As the world population soars, there is even greater demand for the food, fiber and renewable resources produced in the United States. […]