10 events found.
PNW Direct Seed Conference
PNW Direct Seed Conference Kennewick, WA 1/8 – 1/9
Ag All Star Dinner
Food Producers Ag All Star Dinner (Boise - Red Lion Downtowner, 5:30 pm) Contact Rick Waitley, 208-888-0988, rick@amgidaho.com, or visit www.foodproducersofidaho.org
Twin Falls county Grain Producers Meeting, Filer
We will be having a meeting open to all Twin Falls county grain producers on Friday, Jan 18th. 12:00 pm at Pebble Ponds in Filer. It will include a presentation by Jake Patterson on wheat and barley cropping and a presentation by Patrick L. Hatzenbuehler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist – Crops Economics. Please let […]