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Thresher Grower Days
Thresher Grower Events American Falls, Blackfoot, ID Falls & Newdale 7/9 – 7-10
Rupert/Minidoka Field Day
10:00 AM Rupert / Minidoka Starting at Winter trials ~900 N, 300 W Spring trials ~700 N, 500 E Lunch provided afterward Jason Thomas jasont@uidaho.edu 208-406-3571 or Jon Hogge (jhogge@uidaho.edu) or Juliet.Marshall@uidaho.edu
Aberdeen Field Day
8:30 AM Aberdeen Field Day Aberdeen and LCS??? 1693 S 2700 W, Aberdeen, ID jchen@udaho.edu or jmarshall@uidaho.edu
Ashton Field Day
10:00 AM Ashton 3850 E 1350 N, Lunch provided Jon Hogge jhogge@uidaho.edu or Juliet.Marshall@uidaho.edu
Idaho Falls Field Day
4:00 PM Idaho Falls Marc Thiel's 2400 S 45th W, Idaho Falls ID Derek Reed; (208) 390-7191 and derekreed33@gmail.com, Mark Mulberry (mmulberry56@gmail.com) or Juliet.Marshall@uidaho.edu Grain Growers dinner @ Sealander Park
Soda Springs Field Day
3:00 PM Soda Springs Spring trials: North on 34, West on Meadowville Rd, South in field on 2550 Road Winter trials: 1 mile west of Govt Dam Rd on Ten Mile Pass (2500) Rd Dinner provided Justin Hatch jhatch@uidaho.edu or Kyle Wangemann (kylekingkong@gmail.com) 801-361-7139
IGPA Fall Board Meeting
IGPA Full Board and Committee Meetings Holiday Inn Express Boise, ID cprescott@idhaograin.org
Wheat Commission Meeting
IWC Fall Mtg. Boise, ID
NAWG/USW Fall Conferences
NAWG/USW Fall Conferences Meetings: NAWG Board, USW Board, Joint Committees November 3-7, 2019 Hilton Santa Fe Santa Fe, New Mexico
Tri-State Grain Growers Convention
Tri-State Grain Growers Convention, Spokane 11/13 – 11/16 http://www.wawg.org/convention/