2009 Resolutions
One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks!Choose from the following Committees to read through their Policy Resolution for 2007:
Congressional, Legislative, Tax, Transportation and Risk Management Resolutions
Congressional, Legislative, Tax, Transportation and Risk Management 2007 Resolutions (PDF)
Conservation, Environmental and Crop Protection Resolutions
Conservation, Environmental and Crop Protection 2007 Resolutions (PDF)
Marketing, Grain Quality and Energy Resolutions
Marketing, Grain Quality and Energy 2007 Resolutions (PDF)
Public Relations and Membership Resolutions
Public Relations and Membership 2007 Resolutions (PDF)
Research Resolutions
Research Resolutions (PDF)
Congressional, Legislative, Tax, Transportation, Risk Management Committee Resolutions
C=Congressional (US)
L=Legislative (ID)
T=Tax (ID)
RMgmt=Risk Management
Congressional Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- Section 179 of the IRS Code dealing with accelerated depreciation at current levels,
- a reduction in capital gains taxes for long-held properties,
- the deferment of capital gains taxes when profits are placed in a qualified retirement plan,
- the development of a Farm and Risk Management Account (FARRM),
- exempting the first three million dollars of estate tax for family farms and businesses,
- the re-licensing of all power generating dams in the northwest,
- planting flexibility currently included in the farm bill and with fair and open trade,
- disaster assistance,
- land exchange between private, state and federal entities on a site specific basis,
- keeping fair market exchange of foreign grain without the use of artificial barriers,
- all levels of government to use sound scientific data when making public health and environmental decisions that could also affect crop viability,
- legal action to enforce existing US laws prohibiting the importation of food products on which chemicals are used that are not registered in the US,
- beginning young farmer programs.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes:
- major reductions in USDA farm payment limitations.
Resolution No. C-1 – Investment Tax Credit
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the reinstatement of investment tax credit.
Resolution No. C-2 – Aberdeen ARS – Barley Research
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports enhanced funding for federal barley research at the USDA/ARS Small Grains Research Program in Aberdeen, Idaho.
Resolution No. C-3 – Guest Workers
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports a workable Guest Worker Program that secures the borders of the United States and provides a legal, affordable, and stable workforce for agriculture.
Resolution No. C-4 – Recently Purchased Land
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports maintaining recently purchased state and county lands on the county tax roles or when receiving payment in lieu of taxes.
Supporting Statement
County’s positioned within Indian Reservations need to keep a constant tax base when private lands are acquired by the tribe.
Resolution No. C-5 – 2007 Farm Bill
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will support the farm bill proposals of the National Association of Wheat Growers and National Barley Growers Association.
Resolution No C-6 GIS Mapping
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the current legislation that the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other agencies share in the cost of GIS mapping.
Legislative Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- using burning as a tool in crop production and will oppose any legislation that prevents farmers from burning crop residue,
- bringing together all groups that use burning as a management tool,
- all warehouses being under a state licensing program,
- changes in Idaho’s trespass law that would give the landowner better protection while putting a bigger burden of proof on the violator,
- tax credits for farmland preservation,
- Idaho Barley Commission and Idaho Wheat Commission assessment rates.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work:
- to protect farmers from legal actions brought against them based on smoke, dust, and other environmental trespass issues,
- with the Idaho Cattle Association and other groups to resolve issues with the open range law.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will be:
- actively engaged in legislative action regarding all water issues in the state.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes:
- new lien laws or changes to current law that are detrimental to grain producers.
Resolution No L-1 Agriculture Burning & Smoke Management
The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages the Idaho Director of the Department of Agriculture to pursue an effective agriculture burning and smoke management program.
Resolution No L-2 Legal Protection for Farmers
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports legislation that would require reimbursement of defense expenses to agricultural producers who prevail in any action, claim, or counter action alleging that the agricultural activities are causing harm.
Resolution No L-3 Moving Depredation Fund to Idaho Department of Agriculture
The Idaho Grain Producers Association seeks legislation and regulations that assign the administration of the Big Game Depredation Fund to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, with the remaining balance each year in the fund going back to the Idaho Fish and Game Department as provided in the Idaho Code 36-115.
Resolution No L-4 Animal Damage on Tribal Lands
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work with the Governor’s office to resolve wildlife damage problems on Tribal Lands that are rented to non-tribal members.
Resolution No L-5 Aquifer
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports aquifer recharge.
Resolution No L-6 Water Allocation
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports a solution to the water allocation problem within the state of Idaho.
Supporting Statement
IGPA believes all pumpers who are properly licensed by Idaho Department of Water Resources are part of a class and supports state funded mitigation for those impacted by the water calls.
Resolution No L-7 Idaho Quality Assurance Lab
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the full base funding of the Idaho Quality Assurance Lab (Twin Falls) from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture.
Supporting Statement
As this lab is needed to keep our agricultural products safe to consumers and as the work load varies greatly from year to year, the base salary and base operational costs should be fully funded from a general fund through the Idaho State Department of AG of which it is based. This lab has the highest “GLP” (Good Laboratory Practices) rating available. The requirements of audits, licenses, and paper trails make their results eligible as evidence in courts of law.
Tax Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- the research efforts of the University of Idaho College of Agriculture and encourages the Idaho legislature to adequately fund the College of Agriculture,
- a two-thirds majority to be retained as a requirement to pass a bond levy,
- relieving the burden of property taxes on Idaho farmers,
- the encouragement of the Idaho Wheat Commission to fund the updating of the U of I property tax study.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes:
- changes to the production exemption as it now stands,
- changing the homeowner’s exemption law that adversely affects grain producers.
Transportation Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- maintaining the Snake & Columbia River transportation system and facilities,
- deepening and widening the lower Columbia River Channel and Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)
- eliminating bulk grain exports from cargo preference policy requirements,
- uniform truck regulation for the United States, Canada and Mexico,
- amending Idaho truck weight laws to the maximum federal Formula B, therefore providing uniform maximum gross vehicle weights among western states,
- a single tier weight distance tax.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes:
- any highway fuel tax or increase in vehicle registration in a fair and equitable way including all vehicles,
- the CANAMEX corridor until the federal government eliminates the current weight disadvantage to Idaho carriers.
Resolution No. Trans-1 – Railroad Access
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) will support federal legislation that provides increased competition on U.S. railroads. Such legislation will serve to provide rail-to-rail competition for Idaho’s captive rail customers.
Supporting Statement
The IGPA recognized the efforts by the Alliance for Rail Competition that have developed legislation to provide competitive, increased, and enhanced competition for captive rail shippers. Such increased access is important, given the current merger climate that results in fewer railroads in the United States.
Resolution No. Trans-2 – Heavy Hauler Tax
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports increasing the 7500-mile cap on mileage for the federal heavy hauler tax.
Resolution No. Trans-3 – Elimination of Triple Trailers for Increased Truck Weights
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports legislation outlawing triple trailers in Idaho for legislation amending Idaho truck weight laws to the maximum federal Formula B, therefore providing uniform maximum gross vehicle weights among western states.
Resolution No. Trans-4 – Reciprocity Agreements
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports additional reciprocity coverage of farmer carriers delivering their own products across state lines.
Resolution No. Trans-5 – Uniform Truck Weights
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports rescinding the freeze on interstate highway truck weights.
Resolution No. Trans-7 – Fuel Tax Collection
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the exemption of tax on dyed fuel if the point of fuel tax collection is changed to the ‘first point of delivery.
Risk Management
Risk Management Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- the continuation and improvements of federal risk management programs, including crop insurance,
- funding for producers risk management education,
- risk management programs that are available to all growers in Idaho on an equitable basis.
Resolution No. Rmgmt 1 – Animal Damage and APH
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work to affect changes in RMA policy that will include animal damage when reporting to RMA for APH.
Resolution No. Rmgmt 2 – Crop Insurance by Class
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work with the USDA Risk Management Agency to have all wheat insurable by class in the Multi Peril Insurance Program.
Resolution No. Rmgmt 3 – Pack Factor
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work with RMA to consider changes to the ‘pack factor’ adjustments to more fairly account for farm-stored production at loss adjustments.
Conservation, Environmental, Crop Protection Committee Resolutions
CP=Crop Protection
Conservation Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- grower developed tillage practices and Best Management Practices that are economically feasible to meet conservation plans,
- increasing state funding that will encourage the use of tillage practices that will improve air, water and soil quality,
- the concept of the ‘Idaho One Plan,’
- Idaho and adjoining sister states enforcing noxious weed laws and supporting efforts to educate the public,
- continued funding of STEEP III,
- new conservation funding for conservation practices,
- the proposed CREP program,
- consistent implementation and interpretation of conservation programs and regulations between Idaho and its sister states.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will continue:
- to monitor all conservation program rules to protect Idaho producers,
- to be a leader in providing grower representatives on agriculture committees at the County, State, and Federal levels,
- to work with Natural Resources Conservation Service in drafting a volunteer nutrient management program for Idaho producers.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association is opposed:
- to conservation dollars going to environmental groups who work against agriculture interests.
Resolution No Cons-1 – CRP and CREP
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports wise use of CRP and CREP as natural resource tools. IGPA will work to make sure CRP and CREP will be used only on environmentally sensitive land.
Resolution No Cons-2 – Best Renewal of Expiring CRP Contracts
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will work with National Association Wheat Growers and National Barley Growers Association to develop and implement through Farm Service Agency a new CRP rule that will provide the opportunity for farmers to renew wheat and barley base to expiring CRP contracts. The base would be renewed over a 3-5 year period by planting the crop from the base that was forfeited when the CRP contract was signed.
Resolution No Cons-3 – CSP
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports CSP as a consistent, equitable and fully funded stand alone program with funding to be distributed by FSA. IGPA also supports CSP as a continuous sign up program.
Environmental Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- the recovery of salmon using the combination of native and non-native genes and utilization of improved collection and transportation systems,
- combating non-native predators such as birds, terns, sea lions etc, in salmon recovery efforts,
- current US food safety regulations and opposes stricter regulations that could reduce our ability to compete in world markets,
- substantial reform of the Endangered Species Act,
- the Quality Assurance Laboratory at the College of Southern Idaho with funding by the Idaho State General Fund,
- alternative crop protection products,
- the reduction of non-point source pollution,
Resolution No Env-1 – Crop Residue Disposal
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of burning as a Best Management Practice in managing heavy residue for effectively and efficiently eradicating and preventing pests and diseases while maintaining yields, protecting water quality, decreasing chemical use, and decreasing soil erosion on productive farm acres.
Resolution No Env-2 – Dam Removal
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will actively participate in the opposition to the removal of dams on the Snake River and the Columbia River.
Resolution No Env-3 – Flow Augmentation
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes flow augmentation.
Crop Protection
Crop Protection Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- the use of science based data during the EPA’s chemical registration and re-registration process,
- and encourages Congress and USDA to monitor and ensure that EPA decisions are based on the best available science,
- and believes that the Idaho Department of Agriculture should retain regulatory authority for pesticide use in Idaho,
- and will work with the Idaho Department of Agriculture to support the pesticide licensing and education program,
- emergency registration such as Section 18,
- the administration rule change that removes Sec. VII consultation requirements for new chemical registrations,
- continued enforcement of organic standards for certification by the regulating authority.
Resolution No Crop-1 – Pesticide Harmonization
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports and encourages swift action on the efforts of stakeholders, the NAFTA Technical Working Group on Pesticides and other officials to harmonize the rules, regulations, labels and other provisions governing the use of crop chemicals and inputs across international borders – particularly between the U.S. and Canada.
Marketing, Grain Quality, and Energy Committee Resolutions
GQ=Grain Quality
Marketing Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- the concepts of the Pacific Northwest Targeted Marketing proposal,
- increased federal funding to the U.S. Wheat Associates and the U.S. Grains Council to continue their efforts to develop markets,
- efforts to promote wheat and barley whole grain health benefits,
- the development of new agricultural based industries and technologies that will benefit rural economies,
- a review of Australian Wheat Board actions in light of US laws, and that if infractions have occurred, action be taken to ban access to the US wheat futures market.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association encourages:
- the Secretary of Agriculture to continue food aid with AG commodities, GSM credits, Sec. 416 and PL 480 federal aid programs.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association opposes:
- all trade embargoes or sanction, which inhibit the free export of all US agricultural products.
Resolution No M-1 – World Trade Organization (WTO)
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports the concepts of the US negotiating objectives in the WTO agricultural trade negotiations. The IGPA supports US negotiators pursuing a comprehensive trade reform package that addresses market access, export subsidies, state trading and equalization of domestic subsidies, but opposes the level of proposed cuts to domestic support. IGPA further requests that US trade negotiators continue to support all domestic support programs included in the 2007 Farm Bill.
Supporting Statement
The IGPA generally supports the US Administration’s agricultural trade negotiating goals in the Doha Round, but we are skeptical of deep cuts proposed by the Administration in the area of trade-distorting domestic subsidies. IGPA will continue to support the commodity loan program, the LDP program, and crop insurance subsidies. We urge Congress to conduct thorough economic analyses of the impact of such cuts on current US farm legislation and projected US farm income.
Resolution No M-2 – Transgenic Wheat
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the commercialization of transgenic wheat by the US wheat industry upon customer approval of acceptable tolerance levels.
Supporting Statement
Implementation: Encourage research and customer/grower education of the benefits of transgenic wheat. We encourage US Wheat Associates hosted trade teams to visit research facilities and to be educated on the benefits of transgenic wheat.
Resolution No M-3 – Trade Harmonization
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) recognizes the inequity of border access between the United States and Canada for grain commodities and related production inputs. The IGPA will focus on driving policy to move equal access to the borders and the harmonization of production inputs. IGPA will also focus on setting policy regarding appropriate grading and phytosanitary standards.
Resolution No M-4 – Developing Markets For Idaho Wheat
The Idaho Grain Producers Association urges the Idaho Wheat Commission to continue to investigate and promote regional and variety specific wheat classes and quality parameters for the purpose of targeting domestic and overseas markets.
Resolution No M-5 – Hard White Wheat Classification
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports creating a separate market classification for hard white wheat.
Supporting Statement
Hard White Wheat (HWW) is currently priced according to the hard red winter wheat market. Demand for identity preserved HWW justifies class distinction.
Resolution No M-6 – GSM Credit Program
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports continued availability and expansion of the GSM Credit program and urges USDA punitive action against any entity including the Australian Wheat Board for illegal actions.
Grain Quality
Grain Quality Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) rules that require grain samples be maintained for a minimum of 10 days,
- improvements to the CUSUM loading system and the development of technology to identify different wheat classes,
- the licensing by FGIS of facilities that can provide official samples for the grain industry,
- regulations that require end-use testing for all future new grain releases,
- funding for wheat and barley quality workshops in the Pacific Northwest,
- the efforts of the Idaho Wheat Commission and Idaho Barley Commission in encouraging on-farm storage through the interest buy-down program,
- FGIS establishing a federal grading standard for hulless barley that will allow it to qualify for marketing loans,
- TCK testing and continued funding of the Wheat Marketing Center TCK program,
- the Idaho Wheat Commission continuing research, identification and promotion of wheat varieties that best suit the needs of end users.
- the development of alternatives to open outside storage.
The Idaho Grain producers Association opposes:
- the use of oils as dust suppressants,
- the use of outside storage for Idaho grain.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will monitor:
- FGIS rule changes and notify growers of proposed changes.
- dockage charges by exporters.
The Idaho Grain Producers Association requests that the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission continue the crop quality survey.
Resolution No GQ-1 – Functionality Test
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports timely end use functionality tests for wheat & barley.
Supporting Statement
Customers are starting to demand functionality tests. A timely functionality test will provide customers the desired specifications.
Energy Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- hydroelectric power and wind power as renewable power sources,
- and promotes utilization of Idaho’s agricultural biomass for industrial uses,
- National Association Wheat Growers advocacy efforts for cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel in Idaho,
- The development of cellulosic ethanol in Idaho,
- The national effort calling for 25% renewable fuels by the year 2025 (25×25).
Resolution No En-1 Utilization Of Biomass
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports federal and state incentives for the production and the utilization of Idaho’s agricultural biomass in industrial products.
Supporting Statement
Such utilization would reduce dependence on foreign oil imports, revitalize rural economies and provide new markets and revenue streams for grain producers.
Resolution No En-2 New Renewable Energy
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports establishing a new renewable energy portfolio for utilities within the state. Such a portfolio should include a goal of at least 15% of the states electricity consumption to be produced by new renewable generation by the year 2015.
Supporting Statement
The state’s electric utilities need direction on acquiring and purchasing power produced by independent power generators in the state. The recent utilization of wind-generated power has created opportunities for landowners throughout the state.
Resolution No En-3 Energy Incentives
The Idaho Grain Producers Association will support the Interim Energy Committee recommendation for legislation providing incentives for development of wind power, geothermal power, low head hydro, and the construction of transmission lines.
Resolution No En-4 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Credits
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports restoration of the BPA credit program.
Supporting Statement
After the loss of the BPA credit program, there has been an increase in irrigation costs of up to 40%.
Resolution No En-5 – Nuclear Power
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the use of safe, responsible nuclear power.
Supporting Statement
Idaho Grain Producers Association supports maintaining or decreasing electrical costs.
Resolution No En-6 – Coal & Biomass Gasification
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports coal and biomass gasification to produce low sulfur diesel and nitrogen based fertilizer. The IGPA supports this technology under the requirements that the facilities are environmentally friendly operating at less than 10% of the air quality standards as well as a sufficient supply of biomass that is readily available.
Supporting Statement
There is a proposed coal gasification plant in Power County that has the ability to utilize 10% of its inputs from biomass. (straw, woodchips, etc.) This facility will produce daily 500 tons of ammonia, 1200 tons of urea, 1400 tons of UAN, and 58,000 gallons of diesel (Phase 1) and 350,000 gallons of diesel when Phase 2 is completed.
Public Relations, Membership Committee Resolutions
PR=Public Relations
Public Relations
Public Relation Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- membership and participation in ANRI-PAC , Columbia River Channel Deepening Coalition, Food Producers of Idaho, ICIE and the NAWG Wheat PAC,
- the efforts of the Wheat Foods Council and National Barley Foods Council,
- “Ag in the Classroom”, “Bread in a Bag” programs,
- full funding for National Association Wheat Growers and National Barley Growers Association on a production formula basis.
Resolution No Pr-1 “Idaho Grain” Magazine
The Idaho Grain Producers Association strongly supports a flexible collaboration for the publication of the “IDAHO GRAIN” magazine with the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission.
Supporting Statement
The “IDAHO GRAIN” magazine is the most effective tool for distributing education and information of the combined grain industry.
Resolution No Pr-2 Unified Working Relationship
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the National Association Wheat Growers, National Association Wheat Growers Foundation, and US Wheat Associates, to create and maintain a unified working relationship through consolidation.
Membership Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- recruitment of women for active organizational involvement.
Resolution No Memb-1 Increasing Membership
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) recommends establishing a committee to research ways to increase the IGPA membership.
Resolution No Memb- 2 One Day In County
The Idaho Grain Producers Association requests that the Executive Director or a member of the Executive Board spend one day in each organized county a year. Time would be spent with the County President and the Board of Directors to contact potential members in the county and associate members.
Resolution No Memb- 3 Convention Attendance
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) encourages all organized counties to provide a scholarship for members that have not previously attended an IGPA convention. The IGPA Executive Board will work with counties that have limited funding to locate and secure funding. Implementing methods of at least one new member from each county organization to the state convention will be forwarded to county executives.
Research Committee Resolutions
Research Policy Statement
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports:
- research to upgrade nutrient management recommendations,
- research on weeds, pests and diseases that threaten the cereal crops system,
- research on new food and nonfood uses for cereal grains and co-products,
- the continued multi-state research effort to attract new funds and pool existing funds for small grains research projects,
- the public release of all wheat and barley varieties developed with public dollars,
- the research committee in identifying and recommending priorities for research faculty, extension faculty, and staff positions at the University of Idaho,
- continuation of the Idaho Regional Research Advisory committee,
- a cost analysis that is done periodically on research projects funded by Idaho Wheat Commission and Idaho Barley Commission,
- an insectary and related facilities for biological control of cereal pests,
- the continued funding of the Cereal Rust Disease Initiative to address the threat posed to cereal production in the US,
- a systems approach to Best Management Practices (BMP),
- the agronomics to enhance the production of energy yielding cereal grains.
Resolution No R-1 Managing Invasive Weeds in Cereal Grains
The Idaho Grain Producers Association (IGPA) supports the research and education program to develop control practices for invasive weeds. The IGPA requests federal funding for the University of Idaho and other state agricultural experiment station’s including USDA-ARS and USDA-APHIS to develop control programs for invasive weeds.
Resolution No R-2 Yield and Quality in Barley and Wheat Varieties
The Idaho Grain Producers Association recommends that the Idaho Wheat Commission and the Idaho Barley Commission continue funding a varietal development program with priority towards developing widely adapted high yielding quality wheat and barley varieties.
Resolution No R-3 Development of Varieties and Marketing of Hard White Wheat
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports the development of a Hard White Wheat Initiative to develop new varieties that meet the needs of producers in the Pacific Northwest and marketing strategies for the hard white wheat varietals.
Resolution No R-4 Effect of Long Term Residue Removal in the Brad BrownProduction of Small Grains
The Idaho Grain Producers Association supports research that addresses economic and agronomic questions regarding long term residue removal in small grain systems.